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by ShadowLord 12 years, 4 months ago
Shoanti Shifters, sometimes called "the weretouched," are descended from humans and natural lycanthropes. Shifters cannot fully change shape but can take on animalistic features' a state they call shifting. Shifters have evolved into a unique race that breeds true. They have a distinct culture with its own traditions and identity.
Known for their warlike nature and proud traditions, the Shoanti are a disparate people, bound together by honor and tradition. Shoanti history is steeped in conflict, from their brutally heroic legends to the defeats of the recent past and the harshness of their modern lives.
Shaped by strife, the Shoanti are stalwart, tenacious, and suspicious people, oath-sworn to regain all that was once theirs and honor-bound to avenge themselves against all schemers who would dare call them barbarians.
When Shoanti youths reach majority, they must undergo a rite of passage to become adults. Upon completing this rite of passage, they receive their first tattoo. These tattoos are an important part of Shoanti life, and can be quite extensive and beautiful. Hundreds of different tattoo designs exist; each is chosen and traced by a tribe's shaman, drawn from an expansive traditional assortment of symbols with their own varied meanings and implications.
The Shoanti are given a birth name when born, but once they becomes adults, they are also given a full name - it is generally by this honorific (which is always a short phrase) that they are called in everyday life. These full names can change several times during a Shoanti's life. Birth names are generally used only by close family or lovers. Shoanti who abandon their clan to live among others typically revert to using their birth names as their standard name - a practice that many traditional Shoanti find shameful.
The Shoanti are not one people but rather many quahs ("clans") united by heritage, tradition, and lifestyle. These various quahs largely respect one another and their lands, making disagreements over resources, territory, and politics - widely held to be distasteful and duplicitous - few. When conflicts do arise, small skirmishes and individual battles between the quahs' champions quickly determine whom the spirits favor. The current seven quahs are summarized below.
Lyrune-Quah (Moon Clan): Expert archers and hunters, these Shoanti hunt by dusk and travel by the light of the moon. They dwell in the Cinderlands of Varisia, and revere creatures that hunt by moonlight, such as bats and owls. Mostly Longstride and Wildhunt.
Shadde-Quah (Axe Clan): The Shadde-Quah are expert divers and fishermen, and prefer to dwell in the coastal regions along northern Varisia or the southern Lands of the Linnorm Kings. They revere creatures that rely upon the sea for their livelihood, such as fish or sea birds. Mostly Truedive.
Shriikirri-Quah (Hawk Clan): This clan, more than any other, regards animals as holy and mystic. Few rival their skill as animal trainers. They revere all animals, but particularly favor the hawk. They range far in their travels, but can usually be found in north-central Varisia. Mostly Dreamsight.
Shundar-Quah (Spire Clan): The Shundar-Quah see themselves as diplomats and storytellers - it is in large part thanks to their efforts that the seven quahs have enjoyed what peace they have with each other. Members of the Spire Clan revere the ancient Thassilonian monoliths that can be found throughout their preferred territories on the Storval Plateau or western Belkzen. Any and all belong to this clan.
Sklar-Quah (Sun Clan): The most warlike of the quahs, the Sun Clan are the most intolerant of outsiders and the most likely to wage war against non-Shoanti. Their greatest warriors are the burn-riders - elite mounted cavalry who excel at using fire to win battles. They dwell in the southern Cinderlands, and revere the horse above all other animals. Mostly Gorebrute and Longtooth.
Skoan-Quah (Skull Clan): The Skoan-Quah are the most sinister of the clans, for they associate with the dead and guard the many Shoanti burial grounds in the eastern Cinderlands and among the Mindspin Mountains. They venerate the spirits of animals and favor those associated with death, such as vultures or beetles. Mostly Beasthide.
Tamiir-Quah (Wind Clan): The Wind Clan are perhaps the most secluded of the quahs, venturing out of the mountains of northwestern Varisia or the southern Lands of the Linnorm Kings only to raid lowlanders for valuable resources. They venerate flying animals above all others. Mostly Cliffwalk.
Physical Description: Shifters are basically humanoid in shape, but their bodies are exceptionally lithe. They often move in a crouched posture, springing and leaping while their companions walk normally alongside. Their faces have a bestial cast, with wide, fl at noses, large eyes and heavy eyebrows, pointed ears, and long sideburns (in both sexes). Their forearms and lower legs grow long hair, and the hair of their heads is thick and worn long.
Relations: Many races feel uncomfortable around shifters, the same way they feel around any large predator. Of course, some grow to appreciate individual shifters despite their natural aversion, and halflings in general get along well with them. For their part, shifters are accustomed to distrust and don’t expect better treatment from members of the other races, although some shifters try to earn respect and companionship through acts and deeds.
Alignment: Shifters are usually neutral, viewing the struggle to survive as more important than moral or ethical concerns about how survival is maintained.
Racial Traits
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence: Shifters are lithe and agile, but their fundamental bestial nature detracts from their reasoning ability.
- Medium: Shifters are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
- Shapechanger Subtype: Shifters are humanoids with the shapechanger subtype.
- Normal Speed: Shifters have a base speed of 30 feet.
- Low-Light Vision: Shifters can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision).
- Shifter Agility: A shifter’s animalistic heritage enhances many of her physical skills. Shifters gain a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics, Climb, and Swim checks.
Shifting (Su): A shifter can shift for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + Constitution modifier + half her character level. Starting a shift or ending is a free action that can only happen on a characters turn. Every shifter feat a character takes allows her to shift for 1 additional round per day. For every two shifter feats a character takes, the shifter gains a bonus 1 round per day on top of the one gained for the shifter feat itself. In example if a shifter has two shifter feats they can shift for 3 additional rounds per day not 2. The total number of rounds of shift per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
Beasthide: While shifting, a beasthide shifter gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and natural armor that provides a +2 bonus to AC.
Cliffwalk: While shifting, a cliffwalk shifter gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity and has a climb speed of 20 feet. Gaining a climb speed grants him a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks. A cliffwalk shifter gains the Climb skill as a class skill.
Dreamsight: The dreamsight trait is the rarest of all shifter traits, and many dreamsight shifters become druids within shifter communities. Unlike other shifter traits, which increase a shifter’s physical abilities, the dreamsight trait sharpens a shifter’s instincts and awareness. While shifting, a dreamsight shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Wisdom and gains the ability to communicate with animals as if under the effect of a speak with animals spell. In addition, the shifter gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal and wild empathy checks, even while not shifting.
Gorebrute: While shifting, a gorebrute shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Strength and manifests powerful horns that can be used as a natural weapon, but only during a charge attack. (The horns are too awkward to use as a natural weapon in any circumstance other than a charge.) If a gorebrute shifter uses his horns in a charge attack, the horns function as a natural weapon, dealing 2d6 points of damage (plus an extra 1 point for every four character levels he has). A gorebrute shifter can’t combine a charge attack with his horns with any other attack, even if he has the ability to make more than one attack as part of a charge (such as from the pounce ability).
Longstride: While shifting, a longstride shifter gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity and a bonus of +10 feet to her base land speed.
Longtooth: While shifting, a longtooth shifter gains a +2 bonus to Strength and grows fangs that can be used as a natural weapon, dealing 1d6 points of damage (plus an additional +1 for every four character levels she has) with a successful bite attack. She cannot attack more than once per round with her bite, even if her base attack bonus is high enough to give her multiple attacks. She can use her bite as a secondary attack (taking a -5 penalty on her attack roll) while wielding a weapon.
Razorclaw: While shifting, a razorclaw shifter gains a +2 bonus to Strength and grows claws that can be used as natural weapons. These claws deal 1d4 points of damage (plus an additional +1 for every four character levels she has) with each successful attack. She can attack with one claw as a standard action or with two claws as a full attack action (as a primary natural weapon). She can not attack more than once per round with a single claw, even if her base attack bonus is high enough to give her multiple attacks. She can attack with a claw as a light off-hand weapon while wielding a weapon in her primary hand, but all her attacks in that round take a -2 penalty.
Truedive: While shifting, a truedive shifter temporarily gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and a swim speed of 30 feet. Gaining a swim speed grants him a +8 racial bonus on Swim checks. In addition, the shifter can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 5 x his Constitution score before he risks drowning. A truedive shifter gains this benefit even when he isn’t shifting. A truedive shifter gains the Swim skill as a class skill.
Wildhunt: While shifting, a wildhunt shifter gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and the scent ability. This ability allows the shifter to detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell. A wildhunt shifter can identify familiar odors just as a human does familiar sights.
A wildhunt shifter can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents, such as skunk musk or troglodyte stench, can be detected at triple normal range. These stronger scents block other scents, so they can sometimes be used to confuse or hamper this shifter trait.
When a wildhunt shifter detects a scent, the exact location of the source isn’t revealed - only its presence somewhere within range. The shifter can take a move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever the shifter comes within 5 feet of the source, she pinpoints the source’s location.
Favored Class Options
- Barbarian: Add 1 to the shifter's total number of rage rounds per day.
- Ranger: Add a +1/2 bonus on wild empathy checks to influence animals and magical beasts.
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