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Page history last edited by ShadowLord 17 years, 3 months ago

Iron Heroes - Dracomage, Class(New)


The dracomage is a new Arcane magic using class for Iron heroes. Its basically the 3.5 Sorcerer Class converted to the Iron Heroes system. The normal IH Arcanist Class is pretty complex magic using class and we wanted a easier to play version. The below is the current version of the dracomage, but please note that changes may still be required to correctly balance this new class.


Note: Dragon Blood(Background) trait must be taken to be able to take any levels of Dracomage.




Q: Why make a player give up a Trait to take a class?

A: This arcane caster does not have the draw back of spells going wrong. That is one complication to the IH Arcanist class. By having to give up a Trait I think this caster class is balanced against an Arcanist. I wanted it to be possible to have an Arcanist and Dracomage in the same party and them to be balanced but different.

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