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Page history last edited by ShadowLord 17 years, 1 month ago

3.5 D&D Battle Ear, Skill Tricks - New


Battle Ear(Mental)

You hear the stomp of booted feet, the whistle of a sword drawn back to strike, or the creak of a readied bow.

Prerequisite: Listen 7 ranks.

Benefit: As a Immediate action, you can attempt a Listen check to gain a better sense of the situation on a battlefield. Anyone who gains the benefits of flanking against you must make a Move Silently check opposed by your Listen check result. If this check fails, the attacker loses the benefits of the flank. They lose the +2 bonus to attacks, while foes with sneak attack do not gain that bonus damage. Note that creatures you are unaware of do not need to make this check, as you cannot account for them.

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