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by ShadowLord 16 years, 9 months ago
D&D 3.5 Tumble, Skill - Enhanced
Players Handbook
The following are new special Tasks that can be accomplished using the Tumble Skill:
- Kip Up: With a DC 20 Tumble check, you may bound to your feet from a prone position as a swift action, rather than a move action. This still provokes an attack of opportunity. If you fail you stand as a move action instead.
- Kip Up, Defensive: With a DC 25 Tumble check, you may kip up as a swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity. If you fail by less than 5 you still stand as a swift action, but you provoke an attack of opportunity. If you fail by 5 or more you stand as a move action.
- Tumble Fall: If you increase by 5 the Difficulty Class needed to lessen the damage from a fall, you reduce your fall by 10 more feet when determining damage. For example, the base Difficulty Class to break a fall by 10 feet is DC 15. If you wanted to reduce the distance you fell by 20 feet, you would need to make a Tumble check (DC 20). You can use this to eliminate the damage you suffer from a fall entirely. There is no cap on how many times you can use this ability on a single check, but remember that a skill check is an all-or-nothing proposition. If you fail your check, you take full damage for the fall, regardless of the total check result. So remember this is an all or nothing attempt, you don't roll then see how much damage you avoided. You decide before rolling how much damage you will try and avoid, then you must make that DC roll.
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