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Page history last edited by ShadowLord 15 years, 10 months ago

D&D 3.5 Skill, Knowledge - Enhanced

Players Handbook


Shadow d20 Notes: Many players feel just because their character is level X they must know what a certain monster is or info about a local town. To prevent the DM from having to make that decision we use the Knowledge skills on a character sheet to help figure it all out. To go along with the idea that people do learn knowledge simply from experience we allow players to gain a Free Knowledge Rank. This point helps offset some of that metagaming knowledge of players with their characters.


Enhancements to the Knowledge skill:

  • Knowledge Bonus Points: If your character has a 10 or higher intelligence you gain 1 bonus skill rank per character level that can only be placed in a knowledge skill. If your character has less than a 10 intelligence then they earn 1/2 a knowledge skill rank per level(ie every 2 levels you get a free knowledge rank). This skill must have been something that you saw or spent time reading a book on or fits your character concept.  For example spending a day reading up on outsiders at a University allows you to put your knowledge rank into Knowledge(The planes) even if that is a cross class skill it would still gain one rank not half.  Do your best to keep it within the storyline or character concept.




Q: Knowledge Bonus Ranks states that I get an additional skill point for having a 10 or higher intelligence score.  Does this bonus skill point count towards my max skill ranks for the level (i.e. 3 + char. level), or may it go beyond that number with this bonus?

A: Its a extra free point, but the 3+Level Limitation applies. Its the same idea as the extra ranks a Human Earns each level, but this point must be placed in a Knowledge skill. The other thing that maybe is not exactly clear is that its a full rank even if used outside your Class Knowledge Skills. For example as a Cleric you could put your Knowledge point into Knowledge(Nature) at level one and have One Rank in that skill then instead of 1/2 skill rank.


Q: Do you get x4 of these at level 1?

A: No. You gain a single point if you have a 10 or higher intelligence per character level. Its a extra point to help represent a roleplaying concept that your character is learning small amounts of information each level. You don't get more of them just because you are level one.


Q: I was curious on the Knowledge Rank per level.  Now you state that it can't go above 3+character level, but if I put it in a cross class knowledge skill, can it go above the cross class skill Max rank?  So I could, in theory have a cross class knowledge skill rank at 4th level of 7, even though it's a cross class and would normally be only 3?

A: Yes if you combined your normal skill points to give you 3 ranks in a cross class Knowledge skill and combined the 4 Knowledge ranks you would have at fourth level a total of 7 Ranks.  Thats perfectly within the rules and one of the ways I was hoping players would use this enhancement.


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