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D&D 3.5 Samuari, Class - Enhancements

Complete Warrior(pg9)


Wearing armor and using a sword is not enough to make someone into a Samurai. The samurai, is somebody who does that extra something. Somebody who does what is necessary, and they do it when perhaps the odds are against them and others are fearful. They come in all walks of life, with a range of qualities. They have the courage to do what is necessary, when it is necessary.

     The Samurai knew that real power lies outside the sword but in the spirit; the spirit to conquer self. Nothing can ever be achieved without conquering self. It is something that has to be practiced all the time. They knew that to be able to really and truly master the sword, they had to go deeper onto their spirits to master the energy of controlling the sword.



Class Enhancements

  • For correct starting gold value see Class Starting Gold.
  • Hit Die: d10 d12
  • Saves: Good Fort & Will
  • Class Skills: Add the following - Handle Animal & Gather Information.
  • Daisho Weapons: The wakizashi is considered a Master Work Longsword instead of a short sword. All of the Samuari's class abilities are changed to only work when wielding a katana and wakizashi together.
  • 1st Level - Daisho Proficiency (Ex): A samuari gains profiency in both the katana and wakizashi at first level.
  • 1st Level - Two Swords as One (Ex): At 1st level, a samurai has learned to wield the katana and wakizashi together. He is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting and Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting(CAd111) feats when wielding a katana and wakizashi, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for that feat.
  • 2nd Level - Kiai Shout (Ex): Once per encounter, a samurai of 2nd level or higher can give a great cry during combat that invigorates him.  When a samurai shouts (a swift action), all his attacks this round performed with either his katana or wakizashi gain a bonus on the attack roll and damage roll equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum +1). As a samurai gains levels, he can make a kiai shout more often.
  • 3rd Level - Guarded Two Swords as One (Ex): At 3rd level, a samurai has become adept at fighting and defending with his katana and wakizashi. He is treated as having the Two-Weapon Defense feat when wielding a katana and wakizashi, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for the feat.
  • 4th Level - Iaijutsu Shodan (Ex): At 4th level, a samurai has learned to wield the katana and wakizashi with improved precision. He is treated as having the Double Slice feat when wielding a katana and wakizashi, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for that feat.
  • 5th Level - Iaijutsu Nidan(Ex): By 5th level, a samurai has become adept at iaijutsu, a fighting technique that concentrates on drawing his weapon and striking a foe in one fluid motion.  He is treated as having the Quick Draw feat, but only when he draws his katana or wakizashi.
  • 5th Level - Staredown (Ex): At 5th level, a samurai becomes able to strike fear into his foes by his mere presence. He gains a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks and can demoralize an opponent as a move-action instead of a standard action.
  • 6th Level - Intimidating Attack (Ex): At 6th level a samurai has learned to combine his skill with the daisho blades with his ability to strike fear into this opponent.  One time per encounter as a Standard Action a samurai can make a single Intimidate check in place of his normal attack rolls for both weapons.  Each weapon deals its normal damage if the single skill check is successful. When you make this attack, you apply precision-based damage (such as from sneak attack) only once. If you score a critical hit, only the weapon in your primary hand deals extra critical hit damage; your offhand weapon deals regular damage.
  • 7th Level - Kiai Shout (Ex): Is usuable twice per encounter.
  • 7th Level - Improved Two Swords as One (Ex): At 7th Level, a samurai's prowess with the katana and wakizashi improves.  He is treated as having the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat when wielding a katana and wakizashi, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for the feat.
  • 8th Level - Iaijutsu Sandan (Ex): At 8th level, the samurai has practiced iaijutsu techniques used in ritual duels between two samurai, and he is able to anticipate when any enemy will attack.  He now has the Improved Initiative feat and the Rapid Assault(Bo9S pg32) feat.
  • 8th Level - Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 8th level, you gain the ability to react to danger before your senses would normally allow you to do so. You retain your Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if you are caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, you still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if you are immobilized. If you already have uncanny dodge from a different class (barbarian or rogue, for example), you automatically gain improved uncanny dodge instead.
  • 9th Level - Iaijutsu Yodan (Ex): At 9th Level, a samurai's speed when wielding his katana and wakizashi becomes dazzling.  He is treated as having the Whirlwind Attack feat when wielding a katana and wakizashi, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for the feat.
  • 10th Level - Mass Staredown (Ex): At 10th level, a samurai has sufficient presence that he can cow multiple foes. Using a Intimidate check, the samurai can demoralize all opponents within 30 feet with a single standard action.
  • 11th Level - Fearful Staredown (Ex): At 11th level, a samurai's ability to demoralize opponents improves.  When ever he causes a Shaken affect from the Intimidate skill the penalty is -4 instead of the normal -2.  The samurai can also use the Intimidate skill to demoralize a single opponent as a swift action instead of a move-action.
  • 12th Level - Kiai Shout (Ex): Is usuable three times per encounter.
  • 12th Level - Greater Two Swords as One (Ex): At 12th Level, a samurai's prowess with the katana and wakizashi improves.  He is treated as having the Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feat when wielding a katana and wakizashi, even if he does not meet the prerequisites for the feat.
  • 13th Level - Superior Two Swords as One (Ex): At 13th level, the samurai has practiced with his Daisho swords  for so long that he has become a master of the weapons. When two weapon fighting with a katana and a wakizashi the samurai's two-weapon fighting penalty is reduced to zero.
  • 14th Level - Improved Staredown (Ex): At 14th level, even a glance from the hard eyes of a samurai is enough to give his foes pause. The samurai can demoralize opponents within 30 feet as a move action, not a standard action.
  • 15th Level - Intimidating Attack (Ex): Can be used twice per encounter.
  • 16th Level -
  • 17th Level - Kiai Shout (Ex): Is usuable four times per encounter.
  • 18th Level -
  • 19th Level -
  • 20th Level- Kiai Shout (Ex): Is usuable five times per encounter.
  • 20th Level - Frightful Presence (Ex)
  • Class Enhancements - List of feats, skills, or class abilities that relate to the Class.


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