PRPG->Feats-> Close Quarters Fighting - 3.5 converted
Shadow d20
Shadow d20 Notes: Converted 3.5 feat so grapple bonus became CMD.
Close Quarters Fighting (Combat)
You are skilled at fighting at close range and resisting grapple attempts.
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +3.
Benefit: You gain an attack of opportunity whenever an enemy attempts to grapple or grab you, even if the enemy has a feat or special ability that would normally bypass the attack. If you deal damage with this attack, the enemy fails to start the grapple unless it has the Improved Grapple feat or a special ability such as improved grab. If the enemy has such an ability, you may add the damage you deal as a bonus on your Combat Maneuver Defense vs the grapple. This feat does not give you extra attacks of opportunity during a round or allow you to make an attack of opportunity when you would be denied one for being surprised, helpless, or in a similar situation.
For example, an ogre attempts to grapple Valeros. Valeros gains an attack of opportunity, hits, and causes damage. Since the ogre does not have any sort of grappling special ability or feat, it fails to start a grapple. Then an ankheg - a creature with the improved grab special ability - attempts to grapple Valeros. He takes an attack of opportunity, hits, and deals 10 points of damage to the creature. Valeros then adds +10 to his Combat Maneuver Defense to resist being grappled.
Normal: Creatures with Improved Grapple, improved grab, or similar feats or special abilities do not provoke attacks of opportunity when they attempt to start a grapple.
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