With the coming of HL v3.7 we finally got custom sheets. I and others have started to play around with this new feature and are releasing that work to the community.
Please note ALL these sheets are a work in progress and any issues found should be reported to the community using the HL forums or the Post your Custom Sheets thread.
Custom Sheets:
AncientOne configurable custom sheet is intended to be "configurable"... meaning it provides a variety of layout-configuration options, as well as complete text for traits, special abilities, feats, spells, etc.
- Armidale custom sheet is the closest match to the standard sheet in the core rulebook. For PFS characters, it matches the standard sheet in the PFS guide.
- Tasha custom sheet
Shadow custom sheet is made with actual pen and paper game play in mind.
- Shadow spell sheets are a pair of sheets that just print out your spells in a excel type of layout. One includes the full spell text from Hero Lab and the other contains details other than the spell text.
- Sebacore's custom sheet is no longer supported but is being left available. Several people have used it as a starting point but at this time it maybe better to use one of the above sheets that are still supported.
Hero Lab® and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.
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